
Contract award notice


Contract award notice for tender procedure CB007.1.31.348-2-SU-3 “Supply of a specialized vehicle, a surveillance drone and personal protective equipment for forest fire fighting”

Additional information to Competitive Negotiated Procedure for delivery of equipment for Alternative National Operational Centre (ANOC) Ref. No. CB007.1.31.126-2-SU-2


Answer to question related with Competitive Negotiated Procedure for delivery of equipment for Alternative National Operational Centre (ANOC) Ref. No. CB007.1.31.126-2-SU-2, with Contracting Authority - Directorate General Fire Safety and Civil Protection.

Local open tender procedure /151


Local open tender procedure / Municipality of Surdulica - Pcinja district, Republic of Serbia
Reconstruction of the city park in Surdulica - I phase and II phase
2014TC16I5CB007-2015-1- CB007.1.11.151- 1 - LP -WORK (404-201 / 17-01)

Supply of equipment for specialised water rescue teams


Supply of equipment for specialised water rescue teams (terrain vehicles, boats and additional equipment and personal equipment for rescue team members) - Local Open Procedure

Supply tender procedure


Tender procedure for “Supply of special purpose equipment - Fire vehicle for all terrain with supporting equipment and Collapsible fire pump and IT equipment”

Service contract award notice for contract „TENDER PROCEDURE FOR EXPERT SERVICES"


Service contract award notice for contract „TENDER PROCEDURE FOR EXPERT SERVICES" under the project “To BOND entrepreneurial learning with primary and secondary schools and universities with the aim of curricula enhancement and entrepreneurial competences improvement for the purpose of facilitating employment of young people”, Publication reference CB007.1.21.159/TD06 .

Clarification No.1 to the Tender dossier for Procurement of IT equipment and classroom furniture under the project “Joint Training Programme for Forest Fire Prevention and Management”


Clarification No.1 to the Tender dossier for Procurement of IT equipment and classroom furniture under the project “Joint Training Programme for Forest Fire Prevention and Management”, Publication reference: CB007.1.31.126-PP3-TD7, Contracting Authority: Faculty of Occupational Safety in Nis. 

Construction works under the project "Health paths and meetings - tourist promotion in the region"

  1. Reference


  1. Procedure

Competitive negotiated

  1. Programme title

Interreg - IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Programme

  1. Financing

The project is co-financed by the European Union, in accordance with the rules of  Interreg - IPA CBC Bulgaria - Serbia Programme, CCI Number 2014TC16I5CB007.

Announcement of Competitive Negotiated Procedure for Supply of equipment for diagnostic centre for postural and musculoskeletal disorders


Sports Association of Knjazevac announce a Competitive Negotiated Procedure for “Supply of equipment for diagnostic center for postural and musculoskeletal disorders” under the project “Development of diagnostic centres for postural and musculoskeletal disorders in school children in Serbia and Bulgaria”, publication reference CB007.1.21.129-1-SU-4.2

Deadline for submission of tenders: 12:00 Central European Time on 20.11.2017.


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