
Supplies contract award notice


Municipality of Vidin announces contract award notice for supply of equipment for music orchestras in Vidin within project CB007.1.11.207. 

Tender procedure for small scale construction of the two roads


City Municipality of Pantelej announces the tender procedure for small scale construction of the two roads (Ref. no: CB007. 1.11.349/PP2/TD3-01) within the Project "Creating preconditions for better accessibility to touristic attractions in Pantelej and Lom by improving the touristic infrastructure and increasing the number of tourists", LOT 1: Reconstruction of Cerje Road and LOT 2: Rehabilitation of the road to the Monastery St. John.

Works Contract Award Notice


Municipality of Sapareva Banya announces works contract award notice for Reconstruction of park "Nikolay Haitov" and building of sports and advertising equipment in regulated land I - for park, district №92 from the cadastral plan of Sapareva banya, Sapareva banya, Republic of Bulgaria which was awarded on 23rd of October 2018.

Contract Award Notice of Local open tender procedure for Supply of equipment within project CB007.1.31.364-LOT 02 Supply of 1 Backhoe – loader


Municipality of Chiprovtsi announces contract award notice for LOT 02 Supply of 1 Backhoe – loader of Local open tender procedure for Supply of equipment within project CB007.1.31.364 which was awarded on 09.10.2018.

Providing service for “Organization of events under Interreg - IPA CBC Programmes Bulgaria - Serbia, Bulgaria - the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria - Turkey”


Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of Republic of Bulgaria, “Territorial Cooperation Management” Directorate intends to award a service contract for organization of events under Interreg - IPA CBC Programmes Bulgaria - Serbia, Bulgaria - the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria – Turkey.

The tender dossier is available HERE.

The deadline for submission of tenders is 09. November 2018, 17.00 h. Bulgarian local time. 

Agenda and Minutes from the Informative Meeting and Site Visit in the scope of the International Open Tender for Supply of vehicles


Agenda - Clarification Meeting and Site Visit and Minutes from the Informative Meeting and Site Visit for International Open Tender Procedure Ref No CB007.1.31.364/Boljevac/T3 held within the project :“Measures for establishment of flood prevention and quick reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Boljevac”, CB007.1.31.364. on 04 October 2018 in Boljevac. 



Corrigendum to International Open tender for supply of vehicles for the municipality of Boljevac


Municipality of Boljevac announces Corrigendum to International Open tender for supply of vehicles. PUBLICATION REF.: CB007.1.31.364/Boljevac/T3.

Canclelation notice of Local open tender procedure for Supply of equipment within project CB007.1.31.364-LOT 01 Supply of 1 Bulldozer


Municipality of Chiprovtsi announces canclelation notice for LOT 01 Supply of 1 Bulldozer of Local open tender procedure for Supply of equipment within project CB007.1.31.364 which was held on 18.07.2018.

International Open Tender for Supply of Vehicles


Municipality of Boljevac announces a tender procedure for supply of vehicles, within the project „Measures for establishment of flood prevention and quick reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Boljevac”.

Publication ref.: CB007.1.31.364/Boljevac/T3

Cancellation Notice for tender CB007.1.11.349/PP2/TD3


City Municipality of Pantelej announces cancellation of a Works Tender Procedure published on 8 August 2018. Publication reference: CB007.1.11.349/PP2/TD3 within the Project "Creating preconditions for better accessibility to touristic attractions in Pantelej and Lom by improving the touristic infrastructure and increasing the number of tourists".  


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