
CANCELLATION OF A SERVICE TENDER PROCEDURE CANCELLATION OF A SERVICE TENDER PROCEDURE for “Organization of events under INTERREG - IPA CBC Programmes Bulgaria - Serbia, Bulgaria - the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria - Turkey”




for “Organization of events under INTERREG - IPA CBC Programmes Bulgaria - Serbia, Bulgaria - the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria - Turkey”

1.       Publication reference


2.       Date of publication


3.       Programme title

INTERREG - IPA CBC Programmes Bulgaria - Serbia, Bulgaria - the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria - Turkey

4.       Contracting authority

Canclelation notice


Municipality of Chiprovtsi announces canclelation notice of Local open tender procedure for Supply of equipment within project CB007.1.31.364 which was held on 08.05.2018.

Contract award notice


SUPPLIES CONTRACT AWARD NOTICE “Supply of a specialized firefighting vehicle” Location - Sofia, Bulgaria


Tender procedure for reconstruction of park "Nikolay Haitov" and building of sports and advertising equipment


Municipality of Sapareva banya announces a competitive negotiated procedure to award a work contract for reconstruction of park "Nikolay Haitov" and building of sports and advertising equipment in regulated land I - for park, district №92 from the cadastral plan of Sapareva banya town, Kjustendil region, within the project № 2014TC16I5CB007-2015-1-75 “ Balneological tourism – future of health”.

Publication reference: RD-08-374/14.08.2018-CB007.1.075 – TD 02

Tender procedure for the Supply of equipment for transport of waste from illegal dumps to legal landfills


The City of Zaječar announces the tender for the Supply of equipment for transport of waste from illegal dumps to legal landfills (ref. RD-02-29-252/22.11.2016/PP2/T4) within the project „Prevention and mitigation of consequences of man-made cross-border disasters in the region Vidin-Zaječar“, attached please find the tender package “Supply of equipment for transport of waste from illegal dumps to legal landfills”.

Prior information notice for International Open Tender for supply of equipment


Municipality of Boljevac announces prior information notice for the International Open Tender for supply of equipment for the project "Measures for establishment of flood prevention and quick reaction conditions in Chiprovci and Bolevac" with Ref.No CB007.1.31.364. 

Tender procedure for small scale construction of the two roads


City Municipality of Pantelej announces the tender procedure for small scale construction of the two roads (Ref. no: CB007. 1.11.349/PP2/TD3) within the Project "Creating preconditions for better accessibility to touristic attractions in Pantelej and Lom by improving the touristic infrastructure and increasing the number of tourists". 

Supply contract award notice Ref. No. CB007.1.21.066-PP2-BL5-Supply 3


BC ACTAVIS ACADEMY announces SUPPLY CONTRACT AWARD NOTICE for procurement procedure No CB007.1.21.066-PP2-BL5-Supply 3:

- LOT 3: Supply of Professional basketball structures, mobile structures, basketball tools, accessories and balls, mobile stands for the hall, supply of sport outfits;
- LOT 4: Supply of fitness equipment;
- LOT 5: Supply of shooting machine.


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