
IMPORTANT NOTE: Revision of Guidelines for Applicants under the 2nd Call for Project Proposals under the Interreg - IPA CBC Bulgaria Serbia Programme 2014-2020


The Guidelines for Applicants under the 2nd Call for Project Proposals under the Interreg - IPA CBC Bulgaria Serbia Programme 2014-2020 were amended by a decision of the Monitoring Committee from 22 July 2023.


The revised Guidelines for applicants can be found HERE.

 You can contact the Joint Secretariat of the Programme for additional information:



IMPORTANT NOTE: Revision of Guidelines for Applicants under the 2nd Call for Project Proposals under the Interreg - IPA CBC Bulgaria Serbia Programme 2014-2020


The Guidelines for Applicants under the 2nd Call for Project Proposals under the Interreg - IPA CBC Bulgaria Serbia Programme 2014-2020 were amended by a decision of the Monitoring Committee from 22 July 2023.


The revised Guidelines for Pre-defined applicants can be found HERE.


You can contact the Joint Secretariat of the Programme for additional information:


The European Commission approved the Cross-border cooperation Programme between Bulgaria and Serbia for the programming period 2021-2027


With the approval decision of the European Commission from November 22, 2022, the Cross-Border Cooperation Program INTERREG VI-A IPP Bulgaria - Serbia 2021-2027 will begin.

Over 38 million euros will be invested over the next 7 years in the districts of Vidin, Montana, Vratsa, Sofia, Pernik, Kyustendil on the territory of Bulgaria and Borski, Zaicharski, Pirotski, Niški, Toplichki, Yablanički, Pčinski in Serbia.

Резултати фото конкурса поводом Дана европске сарадње


Драги пријатељи,

Са задовољством вас обавештавамо да су фотографије са фото конкурса, који смо расписали поводом обележавања Дана европске сарадње, стигле до преко 1200 људи.

У периоду од 12. до 18. септембра 2022. године одржано је гласање на Фејсбуку, а три фотографије са највише реакција, не рачунајући коментаре испод фотографија, су следеће:


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